I am nothing yet everything; No one yet someone; I Am Ve

Academic Examples

The Riddler . . . a fictional character yet a true mastermind. His known favorite quotation is “My Conundrums Can’t Be Solved”. This stood out to me because I myself enjoy a good puzzling riddle which ravages my very own thought process and this person is the one to do it.

Conundrums Can't Be Solved

I choose this quote because I myself enjoy and is fascinated by riddles and not only that, difficult riddles. This piece here shows his Mask and his signature ? mark as the main depiction of who he is and what he can do.


Conundrums can't be solved

Here is another piece which also shows yet another question mark as a portray to the Riddler’s catch phrase which has a dark yet lighten view of a mysterious mark.


Here is the last piece, of the mastermind of it all The Riddler. One of a well known villain whose devilish riddles cannot be solved unless coded and cracked by a true genius.


His Riddles can't be Solved

The final piece of it all of the Riddler’s famous quotation of which he likes to leave his victims with. A puzzling state of mind where he dazzles and confuses every one who dares tries to answer his Conundrums.

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