I am nothing yet everything; No one yet someone; I Am Ve

Who is Ve?

This is who Ve is!!

Who is Vegnel you ask? I am an intriguing individual whose own creativity knows no bounds. The reason why I choose to major in Graphic Designing was the fact that I myself love the graphic field. Throughout the years, especially in high school, I found myself interacting with computers non-stop. I took video production classes where I shoot videos, and not only that, but I also edited the videos along with photos. I am capable in using Photoshop and I also managed to go into the field of music as well, where Icreated, edited and even customized other music
The classes which I took in NYCCT for this major, were the Raster Vector course, and Graphic Design I. My favorite course was the Raster Vector since I was able to create my world and design it in any way which I favored. The photos were all in my style and image and they all showed who I was as a person. With the skills that I gain from these courses, I actually plan onto applying for Dream-works, or even Pixar as a digital editor, media based and also as a sketch artist.

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