Author Archives: Sange Sherpa


Addictions are mental states that afflict many of our population throughout the world. There are various types of addictions such as drug addictions, alcohol addictions, gambling addictions, and many others and these addictions can affect people in all age groups. One type of addiction that has been becoming more frequently seen is video game addiction. Primarily seen affected by young male teens, these teens may have started their development of a video game addiction at even younger ages of their life. Video game addiction is a problem that may be overshadowed by the more serious and life-threatening addictions such as drug addictions and alcohol addictions but is still nonetheless an addiction that can cause problematic situations for individuals that may have developed a video game addiction

Causes and Stages of Videogame Addiction

  • Videogames were designed to become addicted.
  • The world of video games is really merged.
  • One of the principal causes is MMPORG games. (Massively multiplayer online role-playing game)


  • Escaping From Reality 
  • Family Problems
  • Bullying
  • Depression
  • Social Anxiety

Stages of Video Game Addiction

  • Initial Posture:
  • Attractive
  •  Deeper interest: 
  • Important role
  • Growing Obsession: 
  • Is not fun anymore
  • Full-Blown addiction:  
  • It can affect your health and social interactions