About Me

Learning Self-Analysis:

Looking back on my nursing education at City Tech, I am truly grateful for the opportunity to take part in this program. I feel that every part of it, in some way, has made me a more competent and knowledgeable nurse. I am certain that some aspect of every course will be put to practical use in my career, as a positive contribution to a healthcare team, to save a life or help a patient to recover.

I am particularly grateful for the classes which have provided with the experience and know-how to handle medical data in an accurate, professional manner. As we move forward in the technological age, healthcare is becoming more data-driven and a nurse must be able to do their part in finding and communicating information that is crucial to a patient’s care. Quick and accurate assessments need to be made, and they must be based on reliable evidence and accurate interpretation of the records. I feel far more confident in fulfilling this role as a nurse, as compared to 2 years ago.

Although I will soon be completing my degree, I certainly do not feel that my education as a nurse is complete. It is perhaps a cliché to say learning is a life-long process, but this is especially true for a nurse. Changes in technology will continue to transform the way healthcare is administered, and as new possibilities emerge for sustaining life, we can expect to see changes in ethical issues as well. New economic realities will also push the healthcare industry into new places and affect our priorities. As a professional health worker, I hope to continue my self-education process and remain fully competent in this ever-changing field.

Individual Strengths:

One of my strengths is the ability to quickly adapt to new situations. I truly enjoy working as part of a team, and the process of getting to know new members of a team. I am the type of person who will listen to other team members’ needs, and try to think of ways to accommodate them or improve the workflow. I believe that is what teamwork is all about.

I am not a person who backs down or loses their grounding when faced with a challenge. At the same time, I am aware of my own limits and know when to seek help. I feel this is imperative in a field where mistakes can lead to irreversible outcomes. I feel that this, too, is what teamwork is all about as the goal is to provide quality care as a team, and not merely as an individual.

Finally, perhaps my greatest strength is the ability to have empathy. This is not a quality that is often seen as a strength, but in my field it is essential. For a patient, quality experience does not simply mean a good final outcome, but is related to various aspects of care. This extends to the experience of friends and family who visit the patient. The nurse must be able to show empathy at appropriate moments, as ultimately our job is caring for human beings.