Community Service

Flossing: Spool Edition!

Our team visited a local high school and taught students the importance of flossing daily and the correct method. We started with an anonymous assessment survey to gauge the student’s current knowledge on flossing. It was found that the majority of students did not floss, although they thought it was an important part of oral hygiene. A powerpoint presentation was given to educate the students and then a interactive hands-on flossing activity where the students flossed typodonts was completed. To reinforce the habit of flossing, we concluded with a Kahoot game and everyone was given a goodie bag with a toothbrush, floss, mouthwash, xylitol candy, and encouraging meme stickers!

Assessment Survey:
How To Floss: Spool Edition! (Powerpoint)
Flossing: Spool Edition! (Kahoot)

Give Kids A Smile!

NYCCT partnered with Colgate to serve over 60 pediatric patients ranging from the ages of 5-12 years old! Having the opportunity to volunteer and serve as an oral educator for pediatric patients from an underserved community was exceptionally rewarding. I provided oral health education including brushing and flossing demonstrations, and provided prophylaxis and fluoride varnish treatments. It is vital for pediatric patients to understand the importance of oral health and hygiene, and the power of their smile!