Clinical Narratives

Name: Viktoriya Allakhverdov

Clinical Site: Sunset Park Senior Center

Professor: June Scarlett

NUR 4010

Narrative Self Reflection

I have my community nursing clinical at the Sunset Park Senior Center. Its members mainly speak Spanish and Chinese and only some of them speak English; therefore, we have a challenge to understand our clients and respond to their questions. The staff in the center is very nice and helpful and tries to resolve any our concerns. In addition, I have a good team of nurses who are cooperative, active and eager to learn.

During my clinical I have to meet nine main objectives. The first one is to demonstrate individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance. I met this objective by maintaining confidentiality about the clients’ data. Every clinical I am prepared to practice and learn. For example, I was preparing presentations to teach the members of the center about some common problems that elderly might face in everyday life. I also read the material about my clients’ conditions and prescribed medications before going to clinical site. In addition, I dress neatly in light color shirt, dark pants and dark shoes. To look professional and to promote trust in my clients I wear ID card all the time. Every clinical I come 5-10 minutes earlier to start our practice on time.

The second objective is to employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting. I met this objective by talking to clients about their conditions, teaching them how to maintain better health and wellness. If a client has very high B/P, I am watching that patient and recheck his/her B/P every 30 min and if it continues to be high I recommend the patient to visit the doctor’s office. Every clinical I evaluate the outcomes of our teachings and recommendations. Many clients are willing to take care of their health and listen to our advices. For example, some of them who had high B/P changed from regular coffee to decaf, eat low sodium diet, do physical exercises and visit their doctors regularly. In addition, I utilize principals for personal safety. For example, I did required immunizations (Influenza, Hep B) before my clinical started. To protect myself and my clients, I wash my hands regularly and use hand sanitizer.

The third objective is effective communication with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting. I met this objective by asking the staff who speaks Spanish to translate the presentational teachings to the Spanish speaking center members. To make the teachings more approachable for older adults, I used simple words and sentences without any terminology. Many colorful big pictures helped me to keep seniors’ attention longer. I demonstrated some techniques of health maintenance as one of the methods of effective teachings for people who better learns visually. I record the patients’ data accurately. For example, when I measure B/P I record B/P reading, the arm, date and time.

The forth objective is to establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice. I met this objective by researching the proper topic accurately and choosing the most valuable and current sources for providing the truthful information to the clients. To make the teachings more effective, first we announce that there will be a presentation on a specific topic and that everybody is welcome as it is useful for their health. Next, we turn off the music and ask for attention. For our presentations we use a big board where we put related slides as there is not a projector for power point presentation.

The fifth objective is to utilize principles of nursing informatics in the clinical area. I met this objective by using computer technology when I was preparing for each of my clinical. I was searching for information to be ready with our presentations for the senior center members Using a computer also helps me to communicate and exchange the information with my colleagues, classmates and professors.

The sixth objective is to demonstrate a commitment to professional development. I met this objective by using different valuable sources for care planning. For example, if I need information about any chronic condition or medication, I go to my books, journal articles or reputable websites. As a nurse, I understand that I have to learn every day to be up-to-date to provide the best care for my clients.

The seventh objective is to incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice. At the first clinical I was instructed with the Senior Center’s mission and standards of practice. I met the seventh objective by complying with the agency’s rules. For example, to be able to have clinical in this facility I had to bring my resume and a proof of influenza immunization. Another important rule to follow is to take consents from each patient before measuring B/P.

The eighth objective is to collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team. I met this objective by expressing my concerns about clients’ health to the health care team. I guided the clients to make appropriate lifestyle. For example, there are many clients who took their antihypertensive medications and still had high B/P readings; therefore, it is a time for them to visit their doctor for adjusting the medication dosage or changing the medication. In addition, I taught them to improve their lifestyle by quitting smoking, reducing salt in the food, changing regular coffee for decaf and doing some physical exercises. I also assisted clients to make connections to other useful community agencies like the agency that provide free food or agency that helps to quit smoking.

The ninth objective is to recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services. I met this objective by recognizing gaps in care system. For example, in Sunset park senior center there are mostly people who speak Spanish, Chinese and English; however, the needs of Chinese speaking members are not met. They come in the morning to talk to each other, to measure their blood pressure, but they leave before the lunch is served. It means they do not like that food. Another problem is that there is nobody from staff who speaks Chinese and in many cases Chinese members do not have the chance to express themselves and talk about their needs.



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