SA Culture

Now being referred to as the “Rainbow Nation” because its’ diverse culture and religions within the country. Pedi, Muslim, Hindu and Khoisan consist of a few cultures that have formed a respectful community that contributes to the countries identity, culture and heritage. The country is rooted in strong family values, natural resources and love for their country. (South African History, 2019) The family dynamic of a South African family is a nuclear family with an extended family and tribe. The tribe is an important aspect of the country’s community in Africa society. It can provide financial security and emotional support as the community would provide to those who are not of African descent. As common in most countries, the attitudes of rural to urban residents may vary. Residents from Johannesburg differ from Cape Town residents, one having more of a materialistic out look on life coming from a city background and one being more of a duality of both manifesting a pride for their region. (Commisceo Global, 2019) 

Fig. 14 Manamela, K., & Maubane, M. (2020, September 4). Heritage and the Rainbow Nation: Are we creating the South Africa of our dreams? Citypress.