Fiber and Fabrics

The Fabrics of South Africa

The South African textile industry is as varied and rich as an embroidered cloth. It is well developed and sophisticated, not only in the traditional activities of clothing, textiles and home textiles, but also in the modern sub-sector of technical textiles.(Hewt, 2013)

Textiles are South Africa’s third largest employer in the manufacturing sector and the eleventh largest exporter of manufactured goods. In the last quarter of 2009, textiles and clothing contributed 4.9 percent to the total manufacturing output.(Hewt, 2013)

The industry is generally concentrated in the coastal areas of the country; KwaZulu Natal, the Eastern and Western Cape. The local market is characterised by a few large firms, with a number of smaller concerns. Most of its products are sold as intermediate inputs to the clothing industry and other sub-sectors. (Zeytoon, 2011)