How I Use My Website (Chris Brogan)

It is needles to say what an important role does World Wide Web play in our everyday lives. In today’s advanced industrial society more and more people are starting their personal websites. The purposes of doing it can be from the student online portfolio to the professional web store or an online based company. The primary goal of every web page is to gain visitors and a lot of them.

In order to understand how does a web site works, it is important to know something called “information architecture”, which is the foundation of good web design and development. IA- is “the structural design of shared information environments – the art and science of labeling and organizing websites -emerging community of practice focused on bringing principles of design and architecture to the digital landscape.” (isbn 10; 0-321-70352-9). Important parts of site also are: the content, visual design, code, usability and quality testing of the site.

I will talk more about more concrete on the other aspects of web site managing in my upcoming posts.

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Thank you for reading & stay tuned! 🙂

UX & History (1/10)

3d design work by Byriah Loper

3d design work by Byriah Lop 

The discipline of UX design includes both: previous knowledge and practice with its rules and ways of doing things (rules of design) and the new modern, improved ways of making web responsive and device independent. Please check out the video by UXPin on the history of UX, in case when you are one of the people who prefer watching to reading 🙂

User Experience on the display is mostly associated with the successful corporations as Toyota, Xerox, IBM,  Apple Macintosh, who started the new Iphone and mobile revolution. Steve Jobs in 1983  was talking about how at that time 36 y.o.  computers will completely change and maybe take over the human life;  people were not much likely to believe it, however, today we can see that his predictions are clearly up and running, and today’s websites are exciting and pleasant, stylish and educational, with the comfortable level of usability.

I will be posting more of the interesting facts on UX design history and hoe did it evolve in the recent years. Also I would post on the future predictions of UX design.