Lab 6

Lab description:

This lab, we are going to create a simple android project that can helps us to get more familiar with how to create a android application. The installation part are very similar to the one we did with Eclipse, except this time is little bit more easier. The main purpose of this lab will be learning how to run application on a real android device or on an android emulator.


1. Create project with Eclipse
After following the instruction, we have a basic ” Hello world” app that contains with default file.
2. Run the app
Notice that different directories contain different contents and function differently. For example: “AndroidManifest.xml”, Android mainfest file, which declares your app’s compatibility with different Android versions. ” src/” source code directory which contains all the codes you program. When you build and run the default Android app, the default Activity class starts and loads a layout file that says “Hello World.”
3. Design the layout
With interface implemented. We would need to figure out where to leave the icon(method) that will be most convenience for user to use. For instance, we can adjust the size of each contents such as: button,menu,etc.
4. Create another function implemented with existing android app.
Respond to the send button: in order to achieve this task, we need to make some change in MainActivity class bu adding corresponding method, to be very careful that signature must be exactly matched with the name you given, method must be public class contains a void return value.

After finishing all those above, the android app should be running with no problem. Overall, I find this lab easy to follow because it has very clear and specific instruction for the beginner to follow.

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