Simple ways to improve Typography – Part III

When using type for a design you must always limit the amount of typefaces you use

So you’re working on a design and you find yourself loving more than one typeface. You can’t decide which font  to use so you tell yourself “Maybe I can use 3-4”. This is when you should take a step back, relax and revise your design.

By no means should you use more than 3 typefaces in a design. Ideally you should stick with using 1-2 typefaces.


A review Megg’s History of Graphic Design: 5th Edition

When I signed up for my History of Graphic Design class, I wasn’t expecting much. My first thought was that this class was going to be just another boring lecture course, but much to my surprised I discovered how interesting and intriguing studying the history of graphic design could be. I was told by my then professor, professor Megg’s who by the way happens to be the daughter of the main author of the book “Megg’s History of Graphic Design: 5th Edition”, that I was to read 1-2 chapters of this book each week.


5th Edition, By Philip B. Meggs & Alston W. Purvis.

I first started reading the book at home while relaxing and drinking a nice cup of coffee.The first thing that caught my attention about “Megg’s History of Graphic Design: 5th Edition” were the beautiful pictures that went along with the explanation of each step in the history of graphic design, which made things clear and easy to understand. Being a visual person having pictures to look at while reading only made it better for me.

From the first chapter “The Invention of Writing” to the fourth “Illuminated Manuscripts” this book had capture my eyes and my heart. It’s amazing how I myself realized how little I knew about my own major (Graphic Design) until I started reading “Megg’s History of Graphic Design: 5th Edition” and started to truly understand it’s rich history and things I would had never otherwise consider graphic design.

My favorite chapters can be found in chapter eleven “Art Nouveau” from the work of Jules Cheret to Alphonse Mucha, I was captivated by the story behind their beautiful designs to of course the posters themselves. Chapter fifteen “A New Language of Form” was another of my favorite chapters. These chapter served and still served as one of my main resources of inspirations whenever I find myself having a mental block or just simply doing so for my own enjoyment.

I recommend anyone who is serious about studying graphic design and who wants to learn and discover new styles, maybe even find their own unique style among so many outstanding artists. Remember that in order to understand your present you must understand the past 🙂


Living in NYC as a Graphic Designer – Curse or Blessing?

Being a graphic designer living in NYC can be both a blessing and a curse. New York City is a wonderful place to pursue a graphic design career, we are surrounded by advertising every where you could imagine; the subway, parks, shopping districts etc. I love observing and criticizing all the advertisement surrounding me, it fuels me and inspires me.


The other day I was waiting for the subway A-line Brooklyn-bound as usual heading home, as soon as I got in the cart I noticed all these weird looking speakers in a very pleasing color palette reading “Get unlimited music from Google”. I was engage into these ads right away (part of the reason was because these ads very literary EVERYWHERE), I couldn’t look anywhere without seeing these ads (good job Google Play). This is what I mean when I say that living in NYC as a graphic designer can be both a blessing an a curse, even though I really enjoyed looking at these ads the first couple of times I encountered them I soon started to hate the idea of getting on the subway and encountering these Ads.


Simple ways to improve Typography – Part II

Avoiding Bad Color Choices

Color is a very important tool when it comes to Typography design and when creating readability. If you’re using a color that’s too close to the color of your background you may have a hard time to read the type. At the same time, if you choose colors that are very different in contrast you may get an uncomfortable solution.

Here’s an example:

Bad color choices, typography mistakes – Kacy Summers

Tips to keep in mind (Courtesy of Llene Strizver)

  • DON’T tint type that has thin strokes.
  • DON’T drop out or reverse type that has very thin strokes.
  • DON’T set lengthy amounts of text on colored, tinted, or black backgrounds.
  • DON’T use a color copy (ink jet, laser proof, etc.) to select colors for print.
  • DO consider how web color will appear on all monitors.
  • DO maintain high contrast for optimal readability in all media (print and web).

Simple ways to improve Typography – Part I

Leading – What is Leading?

Leading is the key to readability; Leading is the space between the lines of type in a body of copy. When used correctly leading helps the reader to follow the type easily and overall improves the look of a block of text. There are many factors that affect leading such as: typeface, measure, case, type size etc. An useful rule is to set leading 2-5pt larger than the type size, depending on which typeface you’re using.

Here’s an example:



Simple ways to improve Typography – INTRO

When it comes to Typography there are many different terms that define it; Typography is not only about picking a nice typeface, selecting a font size, or deciding whether you want your type to be italic or bold. In this series of posts I will explain key typography elements that every designer should familiarize himself/herself with in order to further improve their Typography design.

 Part I:

Just When I Think I Am Done..


So much to do so little time! Don’t we all just wish we had one of those magical clocks to stop time at our command? I sure do..
Being a graphic design student is no joke; you may be working on a thousand different projects at the same time and that’s when time management (something I have yet to conquer) comes in. I have always struggle to manage my time and finish things on time mainly because I am a perfectionist and I’m never satisfied with my work. So just when I think I may be done with a project I noticed a single little thing that may bother me and BOOM here I go again.. just when I think I am done…


About this blog –

This blog will focus on Typography Design and Illustrative Typography. My goal is to achieve a fun and useful blog for fellow designers.

After researching around 25 different blogs about typography and illustration I was able to narrow it down to 3 blogs that in my opinion capture the essence of what this blog would be. From I hope to integrate the beautiful typography pictures and use it as inspiration as well as a way to capture the public’s attention. From I will incorporate my every day journey towards becoming a better typographer as well as sharing my typography sketches. And from I want to capture the simplicity of this blog as well as sharing the work of other designers in other to inspire my future blog followers as well as myself.