About Me

headHi, my name is Perla and I am currently a junior at the New York City College of Technology working towards a degree in Graphic Design. I was born in the Dominican Republic in 1992. At the aged of 9 my family and I moved to the US, New York City.

Ever since I was a kid I had a passion for drawing; during my early school years you would most likely find me doodling on my notebooks, and that is something I’m still guilty of. By the time I was in 8th grade I discovered that I could turn my passion for drawing into a future career by majoring in graphic design. During my high-school years I had my mind set on who I wanted to be in the future (a graphic designer) and I was determined to become one.

During my third college semester at the New York City College of Technology I took my first Typography class along with a Life Drawing course. The experiences I got from these courses quickly sparked my interest in both Typography Design as well as Illustration. Soon after I began to look at different websites looking for inspirations or just simply looking at things out of enjoyment.

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