Journal Entry 10

It’s not my last week in my internship like most people because I didn’t get my internship 2 weeks after my internship class started. Im close to getting enough hours to get to the end of the internship and Im going to do an extra day over the break so that I can reach that. Im still putting in as much effort as I can so that I can show my supervisor that Im a good designer and Im hoping that Im leaving with a lot of information when Im gone.


Journal Entry 9

Im becoming more conformable typing a thousand words trying to edit a restaurant menu because lets face it it felt very intimidating when I saw a lot of words on a document. I also felt very good about knowing how to space properly and my supervisor is very serious about that because things have to be organized and positioned properly without having a whole bunch of text boxes and this is a problem I had but not anymore. Im astounded about how good I have become in Indesign because those are one of the software I have not worked on in a while.

Journal Entry 7

Another thing I have learned is time management. Even though my supervisor doesn’t say anything about it I always think about it. At first it was a slow pace for me but now I try my best to work as fast and efficiently as possible. I always want to at least get 3 things done before the day is over so that I can work on less things when I come back the next day. Some of the things I work on are due in week or two, others are not do anytime soon but it is always a good thing to keep time on my hand if I want to get things done fast at a reasonable time and I want to show that to my supervisor.



Journal Entry 6

So far the past week has been a turnaround for me. I have been able to work on things the way I want to look and how to be designed. This has made me even more excited working here at the internship. I have worked on 2 huge restaurant boards that will be hung up in a restaurant. I was really a huge thing at this point because I’m able to showcase to people that walk in the restaurant what I designed. I want the true satisfaction from the clients and from the customers.

Journal Entry 5

It’s a struggle sometimes knowing that I have to stick to what the client wants and what i personally want but it’s not about me, it’s about satisfying the client. As me being a designer myself, I always have that urge to change things the way I want. So instead of satisfying my own needs I try to balance between the two things. This is the client’s style and vision but at the end it is what I’m producing as completed work and that is the only thing that matters This is what ultimately motivates me into completing good work when interning at the site.

Journal Entry 4

Since my time here I have been getting really comfortable of doing the work. My confidence began to get better because before I was not really sure if I was good enough for the work as far as using the programs like Adobe Indesign. In my internship, the programs that I use mostly is Adobe Indesign and Illustrator. Since being here I have to say that I have learned so much about Indesign than I ever have because before I didn’t know Indesign too well but Illustrator was kind of my program. Sometime I couldn’t figure out how to move certain type around or have it fit neatly without having tons of bounding boxes but from the help of my supervisor everything began to work out well. My confidence using Indesign has been raised high yet I still think I have much more to learn to be a pro at it.

Journal Entry 2

The internship I got was called Calling All Graphics which is located at 196 Bay 8th Street. It is a private design and printing company run and owned by one person which is my internship supervisor. Here at Calling All Graphics, we design and produce restaurant menus, menu boards, postcards, brochures and other marketing material for clients. This internship company is more like a start up place for gaining experience for creating graphic design for things. My first week I was introduced on what the company does and then I learned more about the supervisor and what tasks and responsibilities they have. First I was given a simple task to test my typing skills when adding information to a restaurant menu. This was very important and beneficial because previously I was not use to seeing and dealing with a lot of text at one time.

Journal Entry 3

The first 2 weeks has been the same thing. My first impressions so far is that it was a good internship because it was only me and my supervisor working in the small office space. So there are no distractions and it easier to communicate. Usually on my work days I work on about 2-3 things depending on how many changes the client wants and to be honest sometimes the client work is a mess. The majority of the time I’m touching up and editing a design from a previous designer which is for a client. When my work is finished, I let my supervisor look over it then she will go over what is good and what needs to be changed. We even try to go over our ideas on how we want something to look and sometimes she asks me for my opinion.Sometimes she just tweaks my work herself and while this is happening she gives me something else to do.