About Tahir Roethof

Hi I'm Tahir Roethof I'm 17 years old. What I like to do in my spare time is watch anime and play video games. I don't have many hobbies aside from those things, but I do play around with alot of programs on my computer like photoshop and windows live movie maker to create things like funny pictures and AMVs(Animated Music Videos). My major is electrical mechanical engineering, my goal is to learn a bit about electrician work and hopefully a bit more about computers because I hope to be able to repair them one day and correct hardware issues.

In Lab 3 we had to re do lab 2 this time we added a exit function at the end. It was good practice. These are my results and codes.


Here is my code
import math

x = input(‘Please enter a value for x:’)
y = input(‘Please enter a value for y:’)

result = x+y

print(‘ The sum of ‘,x,’ and ‘,y,’ is ‘,result)

x = input(‘Please enter a value for x:’)
y = input(‘Please enter a value for y:’)

result = x-y

print(‘The difference of ‘,x,’ and ‘,y,’ is ‘,result)

x = input(‘Please enter a value for x:’)
y = input(‘Please enter a value for y:’)

result = x*y

print(‘The product of ‘,x,’ and ‘,y,’ is ‘,result)

x = input(‘Please enter a value for x:’)
y = input(‘Please enter a value for y:’)

result = x/y

print(‘The quotient of ‘,x,’ and ‘,y,’ is ‘,result)

x = input(‘Please enter a value for x:’)
y = input(‘Please enter a value for y:’)

result = x%y

print(‘The reminder of ‘,x,’ and ‘,y,’ is ‘,result)

x = input(‘Please enter a value for x:’)
y = input(‘Please enter a value for y:’)

result = x<y

print(‘,’,x,’ is greater than or less than ‘,y,)

while  x==1:
print(‘ Finished’)
print(‘ Do you want to continue? (Please enter 1 to continue)’)
x = input(‘Do you wish to continue?:’)
print (‘ Good bye.’)

Hello world!

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