Author Archives: Tahir Roethof
Here is my code
import math
x = input(‘Please enter a value for x:’)
y = input(‘Please enter a value for y:’)
result = x+y
print(‘ The sum of ‘,x,’ and ‘,y,’ is ‘,result)
x = input(‘Please enter a value for x:’)
y = input(‘Please enter a value for y:’)
result = x-y
print(‘The difference of ‘,x,’ and ‘,y,’ is ‘,result)
x = input(‘Please enter a value for x:’)
y = input(‘Please enter a value for y:’)
result = x*y
print(‘The product of ‘,x,’ and ‘,y,’ is ‘,result)
x = input(‘Please enter a value for x:’)
y = input(‘Please enter a value for y:’)
result = x/y
print(‘The quotient of ‘,x,’ and ‘,y,’ is ‘,result)
x = input(‘Please enter a value for x:’)
y = input(‘Please enter a value for y:’)
result = x%y
print(‘The reminder of ‘,x,’ and ‘,y,’ is ‘,result)
x = input(‘Please enter a value for x:’)
y = input(‘Please enter a value for y:’)
result = x<y
print(‘,’,x,’ is greater than or less than ‘,y,)
while x==1:
print(‘ Finished’)
print(‘ Do you want to continue? (Please enter 1 to continue)’)
x = input(‘Do you wish to continue?:’)
print (‘ Good bye.’)
Hello world!
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