
Traveling around the world has been a dream for me since I was at very young age. There are some places I dream of all the time. To see the world with my own eyes is an extraordinary experience. Travel is expansive, especially for college students. But, it can be much cheaper than we thought, if we do it the right way. It is usually the small things that we are not aware of which cost more money. This online documentation project is created for the college students, to help them travel around the world safely, efficiently and economically.

This project will have four categories:

1. Preparation before travel

2. Dining

3. Accommodation

4. Method of Transportation

Each of these categories will provide information that will guide the college student to save money before and during their journey. The focus of this project is toward the third world countries, since the live standard in the third world countries is much lower than the first world countries.  This will save considerable amount of money during the travel in Dining, Accommodation and Method of Transportation.

In first page of the section, Travel Smart And Travel Cheap-Tips For College Students, there are basic guidelines for the specific 4 categories:Preparation before travel,  Dining, Accommodation, and  Method of Transportation. These clear explanations will be helpful, and easy to memorize. People can recall them even though when they are in offline world.

Travel Explores guide college students’ travel much more unique way than any other existed plain travel guide web site. In the section of web site, Travel Smart And Travel Cheap-Tips For College Students, we introduce the useful information about traveling. It includes the general resource about the destination of your travel provided by the U.S. Department Of State, vaccination before or after the travel, and funny video on Youtube by Graham Hughes and so on. Not only introducing the tips, there are not only practical important information, but also enjoyable contents.

Better preparation gives better results. Once the students decided to have a trip, they need to make fast action. One of the most important subjects to be concerned before the travel is safety. Travel Explores introduce the safety tips and government’s qualified websites. Yahoo! Contributor Network, Chis Zarras’s “Safety Tips for College Students Traveling Alone Abroad” stands especially for the students’ travel. He explains how important to research the location of traveling. At the same time, to concern about dining, accommodations, and method of transportation during the stay will help the traveler to avoid from the unnecessary problems.

For the preparation for travel, The City University of New York has special web page about CUNY students’ travel. There are several useful resources, for example, Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Travel Site, and so on. Each link gives the information about the destination, cost, sponsored trip, and a lot of subjects related with students’ travel. At the same time, they have own travel guidelines about the safety and risk management to CUNY students. They include the explanation of the students’ insurance, emergency contacts. Before traveling actually, reading the guidelines and gather the information from the web page will make students’ travel more efficient.

We think choosing the right accommodation is a key to obtain good safety, food, and transportation. If people used bad one, they have to deal with useless problems. To travel economically, we recommend using hostels to college students instead of using hotel, or someone’s sofa. Hostels are a great way for students to save money. If you aren’t familiar with them, they are big rooms where you are provided with a sociable environment, and bed to rent. There is usually a kitchen, lounge, and sometimes a bathroom to share with other people renting beds in the place. Since college students traveling don’t need a place to stay for long, rather just to sleep shower and eat, hostels are very convenient. To help college students to find nice hostels,  we recommend the website which users can find hostels all over the world, hostel. com. in our Travel Smart And Travel Cheap-Tips For College Students section.

One suggestion to the students for traveling cheap is using travel funds. There are several organizations supporting students’ travel. Our college, New York City College of  Technology offers PDAC Travel Funds. This fund is supported by our faculty commons for students who would like to travel with professional study purpose.  It covers meals, accommodations, and rental vehicles during their stay. When the students plan the travel with specific theme, filling in the form and applying this PDAC Travel Funds will be the great help to travel cheap. Most of all expenses will be covered when the students are chosen by common faculties.

Through all the sections in Travel Explores website, college students can get all of the information to travel better. They can prepare well with our introduced resources, for instance, the government web site to know the condition of the destinations, CUNY’s travel guidelines, and so on.  Gathering, and using the information make the good travel. Traveling has started before people actually go to the specific locations. Using the hostel and the funds will be a big help to reduce travel expense. Time is money, we, Mighty Morphing Power Rangers guide college students’ travel to be wiser, cheaper and funnier than before.

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