Documentation Process

We, Mighty Morphing Power Rangers made the document about the process of our final project, Travel Explorer for helping college students’ travel cheaper and better. We have started this documentation process since the first class of this project, April 30, 2012.

April 30, 2012

Group “Mighty Morphing Power Rangers” formed, and the group members came up with the idea of creating a website documentation project to help college student to travel around the world safe, efficiently and economically. First, we wanted to focus on one place. But, after we consulted with professor. We decided to provide more general ideas and information for college students to travel around the world. The main focus is toward third world countries since it is considerably cheaper comparing to first world countries.

May 7, 2012

In first part of the class, we figured it out how to make the website with WordPress. After a few minutes struggles to set the site administrators, finally we could begin our this Travel Explorer project. At first, we searched for resources online. We used Google’s search engine typing key words such as “college travel tips”, and “student travel” to find relevant information that would help. We gathered some resources about general idea of traveling: “Current Travel Warnings,” and  “Tips for Traveling Abroad,”  by U.S. Department of State. Then, we focused more on the college students’ traveling related information with “Safety Tips for College Students Traveling Alone Abroad” by Yahoo! Contributor Network, Chriss Zarass, “CUNY Travel Guidelines” by The City University of New York. Also, fulfilling the idea of traveling cheap, we gathered the information about  the travel funds for the students of the City College of Technology,  and the funny interesting video on Youtube, “How To Travel The World On The Cheap (with Graham Hughes).” All of the materials were corrected in our website. We started to organize all of them.

May 14, 2012

We came up with the idea to incorporate hostels in our project. We were rather unfamiliar with the term. We used Google to look up “hostel” and found how useful it could be for students.  We found a website By looking up “international hostels” After checking a few sites we found this as the most useful. It covered many places world wide and  hostel deals for cities around the world. This could save a college student a good amount of money by picking the best deals and the most convenient locations.

We also researched help tips using Google and encountered the World Health Organization. This site focuses on health issues around the world. We went on a page of the site that shows disease outbreaks around the world. This is specifically important for students to research before going to a country, and we provided the link for it.

Vaccination is one of the important preparations before the travel. Like we introduced in the Government website which contains the current travel warnings about certain countries in the world, we added the page about “Travel Vaccinations” which helps people what vaccinations they need before you go aboard from netdoctor.

To prepare the presentation on next Monday, we gathered all of the results of our research, and set each section in the web site, Travel Explores. By looking back and thinking deeper about the main theme:traveling cheap for college students, the web site was gradually built to satisfy all of the safety tips, and information.

During the process, we end up the idea, using the hostel and the fund will be great for college students to travel cheaper. As a result, we made individual new pages describing each information source.

At the same time, we started working on creating a page for Works Cited. In the page, there are 10 sources, and we followed the MLA format to cite each helpful information including trustworthy World Health Organization, Yahoo!, The U.S. Government, The City University of New York, and so on. To check the guideline of the MLA style, we used the useful educational site, Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab.

Also, we made this page, Documentation Process to document our project, Travel Explorer as the final project of the class in this spring semester. Since the first day when our group, Mighty Morphing Power Rangers was formed, April 30, 2012, we have started documenting our projects.

After finishing up making the whole website, we started to focus on preparing for the presentation in next week, on May 21st, 2012.

Through all of the process, this online documentation project is created for the college students, to help them travel around the world safely, efficiently and economically. College students can prepare well with our introduced resources, for instance, the government web site to know the condition of the destinations, CUNY’s travel guidelines, and so on.  Gathering, and using the information make the good travel. Traveling has started before people actually go to the specific locations. Using the hostel and the funds will be a big help to reduce travel expense. Time is money, we, Mighty Morphing Power Rangers guide college students’ travel to be wiser, cheaper and funnier than before.

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