Writing Reflections

Teresa Lopez Ramos

English 1121

Professor Gold

May 21, 2019

Questions for Writing Reflections


A1.) My writing has changed in which, on how important can it changed our lives. Nothing has much changed; I find a better appreciation towards writers. How much of their lives are affected by publishers, popularity vs. passion?

A2.) The genre assignment was due to all of the research, and analyzing what makes this genre important to society.

A3.) I revised both of my assignments. I realized on how much I need to learn to clarify my work. When I write and talk are very different, I can talk everything I know however when I write I may not include everything. It can make the reader confused. I learned how to stretch my work, with more vocabulary and less complex ideas.

A4.) My ideas. I can put my ideas of paper very well.

A5.) Grammatical and clarification. To learn and go back to revise my work.

A6.) How I am able to go back and revise my work. I am able to look at my plans of my writing and compare that with my final draft. I then try to make my work similar to make sure I am satisfied with my work.

A7.) The genre assignment. I am able to understand how not only feminist literacy criticism  is important to society but how all genres are important to society.

A8.) I enjoy all forms of writing. As a child, I would write many forms of writing in which I would get lost in.

A9.) I have also learned for many years how to research, to rely on forms of primary research. The assignment encouraged me too focused on my political side. To think not only as a future politician but as an activist. The writing process helped to become more of analyzer. How to use literature and create my own opinions.

A10.) Reading is everything to me. I read fiction the most, so to read essays, especially non-fiction writing was a very big change. That affected my writing by analyzing from how fiction can affect society to how non-fiction can change society.

A11.) Always revise the work. It’s important to go back and maybe see how can you change some of you ideas, grammatically or not.

A12.) How to analyze. This is the connection on how the way we communicate, writing and speaking make sure that we can have frim conversations. This helps not only in college however in the professional world; or even getting a part time job.

A13.) I attend to become a lawyer. I have to learn to fully communicate as a lawyer. Analyzing cases, how to brief cases, etc… They way I wrote in high school, helped when I started in college, I am able to fully write essays, even if I still need help grammatically.

“They say that being small means weak but, when I write I can be strong”