
Philosophy of Nursing

Today, I can’t imagine having another job and not being a nurse. If somebody will ask me what is the most important thing in being a nurse, my response would be to provide quality care. I like taking care of people. I think caring can make anybody stand out from the crowd. I believe that my profession is the most noble and rewarding because I can make a big difference in people’s lives and see the real results of my work. I also believe that nurses should have three main personal qualifications to perform a job: compassion – for understanding patients, knowledge – for understanding diseases and practical skills – for delivering quality care.
My philosophy as a nurse is to provide the best quality care in all aspects of a patient’s life and well-being: physical, emotional, spiritual and social. I believe as a nurse that Jane Watson’s theory plays a very important role in my practice. I always try to apply the Watson’s theory of caring in my day-to-day relationships with my patients. I agree that the art of nursing is a harmonious combination of creativity and science. Everything is important for me about my patients: their mind, their body and their spirit. And I truly believe that nurses must be constantly aware about what’s going on with their patients because the duration of recovery and the positive outcomes largely depend on our compassion, empathy, warmth, honesty, experience, participation and practical skills. I also believe in client-centered care that may involve advocacy and respect for patients’ autonomy, voice, self-determination and their own participation in decision-making. I think it is very important to include the patient’s goals, wishes and preferences to his/her care of plan and work together as a team.

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