Journal #2

Today in class we learned about flowcharts and how they worked.  We were separated into our assigned groups to make a flow chart on Alice and Wonderland. The basic concepts of a flow chart is summarizing the whole story with boxes that makes up the flow chart. Explaining the story part by part so the readers will get a basic idea of the story.

Our group which was group four, we had to fill in the blanks for the flowchart the whole class was working on. We did one chapter per box for the flowchart so it would not be too long for the people trying to get a basic concept of the story. I learned that it is more easier to understand for someone who is trying to read the book but cannot understand it well. For me I got a better understanding of the story by doing the flow chart since I was a bit confused about the middle part of the story.

In the end of the day flowcharts are just summaries of the story. It makes it easier to understand the plot and characters of the story. It helped me learned more about the story Alice and Wonderland. Can also be used for other things other than stories like solving math problems.