Journal #1

In the game ReDistriciting, it allows players to organize the politicians and helping them out with there needs by redrawing the map. Also having to get positive feedback from  the state legislature, state governor and the state courts.  The objective of the game is to make the artificial intelligence approve of your decision and your drawing of the map. It taught me about making the field equal but not just in four square.

The game at first was pretty confusing for me as I did not know what to do, until I found out that I had to fulfill everybody’s wishes in the game. I did not really enjoy the game it didn’t not really give me any enjoyment as I found it boring. All I learned from the game was mostly moving the politicians zones till the politicians are satisfied with there land and supporters. You need the approval of the state legislature, state governor and the state courts in order to complete the mission.  I learned how the basics of the politics and it is a good way for kids to learn about politics due to it being a game. I also completed the mission by fixing one small mistake and by moving one box over.

In conclusion I had trouble finding out what to do. I was close to finishing but i was just missing one part until I moved one box and it allowed me to gain victory. It is also a good way for kids to learn about politics and the basics of it. It did not fulfill my needs for it to be called a game.