Cooper Hewitt Museum

This was my first time at the Cooper Hewitt Museum so wasn’t really sure what to expect.  One of the first things that happened as we walked in was that a photographer wanted to take photo of our class and with my luck I was one of the students chosen to be in the photograph along with 2 of my other class mates. Me being not at all Photogenic I tried to be normal as possible for the photo.  Surprisingly we came out pretty awesome.

Museum SHOT


Now back to the Museum,

As we bought our tickets, (Which should have been FREE!) We were handed these pens.

Screen Shot 2015-04-30 at 10.33.15 PM


The pens interacted with a touch screen Table which was really cool. If you draw a shape with this pen on the table anything in the museum that incorporated that shape would appear in front of you which could be saved to the pen it self by flipping the pen and placing it on a designated save spot on the table. Basically, you are able to visit the whole museum without leaving the table. Also, you were able to draw 2D Illustrations and were able to see the 3D versions of it as well.


The Next exhibit I found super interesting was the Immersion Room.




The Immersion Room was basically a room with white walls and projectors that were connected to the touch screen tables. In this room you are able to design your own wall paper or choose from preexisting wallpapers and these wall papers would project onto the walls. I think this is very innovative when it comes to design and being able to see your designs on walls right away.


Over all the experience of the museum as pretty good. I really enjoyed testing out the capabilities of the pen and can see how it can effect future design. I cant wait to experience the future of this type of technologies being applied to practically anything.


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