Personal Strength

Throughout life, we encounter an enormous amount of learning opportunities. These opportunities help to develop our learning experience. Our ability to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses can help us to become better individuals in anything we choose to do. Many of my strength involve my communication skills and attentiveness. I am also self-aware and have a strong will to continue learning.

As an individual I have acquired many skills, these skills allowed me to be a great communicator and increase my ability to pay attention to details. This is especially important for the healthcare field. As a nurse and a patient advocate, I have to be able to follow directions and communicate with the patients and their families. My ability to pay attention to detail is crucial especially during assessment of patient conditions. Nursing requires a person to be a good communicator and remain calm and oriented especially during hectic environment.

We have to be able to assess our own self in order to be able to get an understanding of everything else. Throughout nursing school, I had the opportunity to come to an understanding of my strength, weaknesses, and bias. Thus, this led to my self-awareness. The final strength that I have is my ability to continue to strive and improve my education. On a professional level, continuous learning is about further expanding our skill-set in response to a changing environment and new developments. This is very important because the medical field is continuously advancing, and a great nurse must have a genuine sense of curiosity to keep working on their professional development, improving their skills, and learning new things.