Tag Archives: federated search

Questions for Project

The Cool Foxes: Online Documentation Project

If you could create a research tool what would it be?
The research tool we would create would be a federated search system that includes an add-on application, which attaches to a web browser. An add-on is an accessory device or piece of software designed to increase the capability of a computer or hi-fi system (citation here). In other words, it is a small portion of software that adds new features to your installed browser (Google Chrome, Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc.)

What would the tool do?
This add-on tool would have the ability to search across multiple databases. The user could conduct keyword searches without the use of “+” [plus signs], or abbreviations such as “and” and “or”.

Who would the intended audience be?
The intended audience for this research tool would be college/university students looking for an alternate route to traditional database searching. Users “have stopped using resources because they are frustrated by the number of dissimilar search interfaces they must use to access database content (Warren, 262)”

How would it be different from the research tools we’ve worked with this semester?
In comparison to the CUNY CityTech library database system this search program would produce the same results in less time than the traditional route.

How would it make doing research easier, faster, or more enjoyable?
This add-on tool “will allow users to search a range of databases simultaneously” (Warren, 259). And “it will present results to the end user sorted by relevance, with duplicate records merged and independent of the sources they are drawn from” (Warren, 263). Users would be able to make searches across a wide range of databases that would be categorized by subject/category.

How would it help solve commonly encountered difficulties with research?

What would the tool look like?
[A two page model will be made and elaborated on.]

Could it be a mobile application?
Yes & No. A mobile application is meant to be a condensed version of a website, which runs on smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices that have internet capabilities. If there are too many features to work through then the application becomes instantly forgotten and/or deleted.

Student and Federated Searching


“This study asserted student use of and satisfaction with the WebFeat federated search tool, which was implemented by the library at Sam Houston State University. Students voluntarily responded to an electronic survey, providing feedback on how often they conducted class research using the federated search tool kit…”  Volume 49, issue 4, 325

Student and Federated Searching

Academic Articles


Implementation of a Federated Search System
This article is about the construction process of a federated search system titled MetaLib, for the Briggs Library at South Dakota State University. The article details the execution process of MetaLib, and includes images.

I thought it would be helpful to our project.

Lost in Translation_The Reality of Federated Searching
This article presents the intentions versus the realities associated with federated search systems.

This article is 13 pages.