Author Archives: Emilio C

my final addition to the pdf and word doc

on page 11 of the pdf where  the sentence starts with “IN ADDITION, ” everything afterward  please replace with what im writing in this post , and then follow it with lenas part :

What further differentiates “Inspectio” from pre-existing federated search tools is the incorporated ability to perform auto Boolean, and truncated searches. As opposed to writing out the search terms multiple times in multiple search engines and having to add the “AND”,”OR”,”NOT”, and truncation syntax, to every individual search you do, (which would be necessary with the conventional method of searching with Booleans and truncation)

Boolean project

Boolean Project Inspectio Under Hood Inspectios granular search settings give you the option to incorporate or omit any of the Boolean or truncated searches directly to your search query, without the need to rewrite or re-search the same terms in different search engines or databases. Furthermore, Inspectio can then take the search results received and present it to the user in a concise, organized and customizable form, such as to open the results in separate windows, to present the results in an ordered list , or to open the received results in multiple tabs within the same browser window. However, if any of the Boolean or truncated search options are undesired they can be turned off and go unused


a concise addition for the final draft

The Usage of Boolean search operators isn’t a new concept by any means. Search engines have been utilizing the functionality of it since around the inception of the very search engines themselves. Most people unaware of the ability to leverage the power of Boolean operators and Truncation , repeat identical searches using identical terms  in multiple search engines and databases  numerous times to garner all the different results that they can in relation to their desired research topic(s). Furthermore, some desired results can be lost within the myriad of results that search engines retrieve, federated searching can exponentially increase this by giving you multiple result pools of millions of results each. Having a tool like “Inspectio” that utilizes these powerful esoteric techniques of searching, brings results that otherwise would have been lost within the result pool , sifts them  out and presents it  to you in a desired form. Search for the topic(s), or terms that you want, and get the results you desire, with the undesired results omitted, in a form that is easy and convenient for you to comprehend.

Boolean :


Truncation & Boolean :

a necessary update

hello everyone , it seems as i dont have a solid part of the presentation 🙁 ,  i have been sick as of the latest 2 weeks the worst of it being this past week , but i have been doing an adequate amount of work …. i have also looked over your progress with the project and cant help but notice that there is a substantial part that has been left out … the Boolean search operator terms,  like NOT, AND, and OR  as well as the parenthasis and quotes that alter the search results further to include a custom result pool , i am aware that this might be the last day we have to work on this but its definitely possible to add this final part, which is actually one of the biggest aspects of the use of the tool