Dear Valuable Customer,

Are you tired of the regular fundraising products year after year selling those cheap toys, aromatic candles and other plastic things that people discard or can’t use over a period of time? Why not reach your fundraising goals with the gift of personalized delectablity.

The Chocolate Boutique is proud to offer you an assortment of gourmet chocolates and truffles of various pleasures that are guaranteed to pique the interest of the folks who will support your fundraising project this year. Our newest line are sugar free, yes, you read that right. There is also a sugar free chocolate experience for our diabetic customers, using all natural non-artificial Stevia or Agave sweeteners.

Categories of chocolates come in white, dark, and milk include [insert list of personalized candies here]
Please take a moment to look at the assortments online, and let us know which product would best meet your needs. Be prepared to turn your client’s world upside down with deliciousness. These dainties are not just slated to become a favorite delicacy for your clients, they will also be a most enjoyable experience.

If you think you can handle the volume of business coming your way with this delectable program, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a starter package, which will include brochures and miniature tasting samples. We can be reached at (888) 555-1133, or email us at

Yours Truly
Chocolate Boutique Team


Call for information on large order of 500 – 1199 assortments and above so we can discuss which of our incentive will be suitable for your clients. This is made possible because all the participating chocolatiers in our partnership program have given up their profit margin share of their various sale prices to come on board with us so that your organization can benefit in a MAJOR way.

Pictured here is one of our happy clients!