
A. The app i made with a team is essentially a combination of mole mash and teh quiz game. We call it, Project learn. We have a back ground and three kinds of sprites moving around the screen; music notes, comets and math symbols. Each sprite stands for a different category. When you click one, a question appears at the bottom. If you answer the question corectly, you get 50 points, if you answer wrong, you lose a life point. After you answer, it moves on to the next question, or you can click another sprite for a few question. After you get 250 points, a display comes up saying you win. After you lose all your pooints. A display comes up saying gameover.

B. In my group I worked with Tasha Deoroop and Brian Chamorro. Each of us had a contribution to the app. My contribution to the game were the three music image sprites going around. I also came up with the questions about music and the answers with them. After that I made the labels for gameover and winning and the boolean conditional blocks for so if you fell under 1 or got 250 points you would win or get a gameover.

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