
To really understand the climate in Thailand it must be understood that it is a tropical island; so the weather may differ from if you were to travel to a different state or country. In fact, there are even certain times where it would be considered best for individuals and tourists to travel and visit the country. Just like any region there are seasonal changes but for Thailand the weather patterns are very interesting. The seasonal changes in Thailand can easily be sectioned off into three differentiating categories for the most part then gradually as you tap into each region and its weather patterns you begin to get a better understanding of Thailand’s climate. The summer months generally range from March to May, that is when it is most hot and humidity reaches its peaks to 99-100 degrees(Climate to Travel 2021). Then there are the southwest monsoons that cause heavy rainfall from the duration of Mid-May/April all the way to October which affects more of the southern region of Thailand because the southern and coastal regions receive more rain. The southern regions get 1,000 more millimeters of rainfall every year over the northern regions( 2021). Humidity still rises during the southwest monsoons where the island receives drastic rainfall which gives you that nice tropical feel. In addition, the northeast monsoons which are declared Thailand’s winter months due to the fact that it generates a cool, dry temperature from November to February but also “providing ample opportunity for drought” ( Borgen Alexander 2020)  . 

Depending on where a city is on the island does affect its climate change and shift patterns. For instance, Chiang Mai is a northern region city in Thailand and toward the end of February humidity rises and temperatures reach (34 degrees Celsius and 91 degrees Fahrenheit). However, when cold air travels from China and approach’s northern cities like Chiang Mai during their winter months in December and January at night it can get cold and temperatures can drop to 4 degrees Celsius and 42 degrees Fahrenheit and sometimes lower (Climate to Travel 2021).  Now a differentiating city is Bangkok or which is a central more southern region city of Thailand which also happens to be the capital of Thailand. Bangkok it’s usually hot all year round, and around summer which is march to may the heat reaches astronomical heights, at 38 degrees Celsius and 99-104 degrees Fahrenheit (Countryreports 2021). There are reasonable explanations that explain the drastic heat patterns in Bangkok one being the fact that the city is in a closer range to the ocean. 


Figure 6: Weather in Thailand .