
My name is Tamesha George. I am 29 years old. I was born and raised in St. Kitts and Nevis, which is located in the West Indies. I attended the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College where I obtained my Associate Degree in Business Management. I moved to New York two years ago to further my education. I am pursuing my Bachelors Degree in Human Services at New York City College of Technology. I am currently working at Catholic Charities as a Direct Support Professional. Having to attend college full time and working full time is challenging but my family and friends have supported me so far.

At a young age I always wanted to help people and make a difference in someone’s life. On Sundays I would help various neighbors with household chores. Sometimes I would visit the Senior Centers to listen to the folks tell stories about their younger days. As the years went by I would prepare hot meals and deliver them to the elderly in my neighborhood on weekends. When my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s I was her primary care provider until she passed away. It was difficult watching her deteriorate like that, especially since she raised me from birth and growing up I remember her being so sharp and wise. I was glad I was there for her in her final days. This was a life changing experience in many ways.  If I can change the life of one person like I did for my grandmother it will be worth it. She is why I have chosen to become a human service professional not just to help people but make an impact on one individual at a time and help to better myself.

I am an intelligent, hardworking, kind hearted and generous person. I would give without reservation. One thing I have always been good at is teamwork; I have the ability to be empathetic to others and also able to understand other people’s feelings. Working at Catholic Charities has helped me to develop good communication and listening skills that are needed for me to be effective in serving my clients. This experience also taught me to not be judgmental and to respect the client’s right to privacy. I have learnt to appreciate what I have and know that at anytime in my life it can be taken away. I also had the opportunity to work with different cultures and to gain a better understanding of each client’s diversity and religious background. These are my strengths that will enhance my effectiveness as a human service professional.

Growing up in the West Indies there are not enough human service professionals. If one of your family members took ill or became disabled you basically became the care provider. After the passing of my grandmother I knew that was the path for me. I was always a strong confident person but her influence played a huge role for me to pursue this degree in this field. I often wonder to this day how different my life would have been without her in my life. She taught me how to be compassionate and caring towards others, how to reach my goals and be a hard worker.

I am most passionate about working with the elderly population and also eager to learn more about the aging process. This population faces a variety of issues as they age such as health, finance, emotions and their well-being. Working with this population can be challenging but at the same time extremely rewarding and fulfilling. Some unique qualities I would have to possess to perform my job to the best of my abilities I must be responsible, supportive, caring, sensitive, patient and encouraging towards these individuals. The ability to listen without interrupting is a good listening skill and helps them to keep their dignity and self-respect.


The elderly are living longer which means there will always be a high demand for human service professionals. There is a much-needed aid for this population the improvement of service delivery systems and transportation. I am a better critical thinker now than before, which is very important when you are working with this population.

I see myself ten years from now doing what I love and changing lives. Hopefully I would have paid off my six digit college loan and would be living a healthy, comfortable life. I will have earned my Masters Degree in Human Services. I will hone my skills by creating a program that will provide services to the elderly in St. Kitts and Nevis. The skills and knowledge I have learned along the years will help me fuel my career and define who and what I am about.

In the end, the human service field is right for me.  It has broadened my perspectives on life and having the opportunity to work with many different individuals is rewarding. To wake up everyday knowing that I can make a difference in someone’s life is very fulfilling. Even though other professionals say it is a stressful job and it does not pay as well as other jobs, it is the fact that I know I am not only helping someone and changing their lives for the better, but at the sane time gaining the years of wisdom and knowing I made an impact in someone’s life.