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Public Speaking

I feel that this is a good example of public speaking because the speaker was very clear and precised with her words. she addressed her topic in a manner that the audience would grasp. her grammar was simple.

The purpose was to explain why she became a paper cutter and how she got to become one. The way she saw an image and expressed it on paper. creativity on paper/ getting emotions out.


What is plagiarism? Plagiarism in my in words is copying someone else work and using it as your own without giving the other person or source credit for it.

What is the city tech policy about honesty? I’m not 100% sure but my guess is you would get in a lot of trouble you don’t want to be in.

Why shouldn’t you plagiarize? You shouldn’t plagiarize, 1 because it is not right taking someone else credit, 2 it is not creative and 3, it gets you in trouble.

GOOD vs BAD Designs

This is a website for a resturant in Atlantic city. It is an asian resturant that carries the name Buddakan. What i think that works for this website is the colors and huge back groung that in- cooperates the navaigation of the site in the pictures. For example, the boats in the river represents “Direction” on how to get to the resturant and the people walking around is a “tour” guide. This was a well thought of design.

I think this is a decent website with horriable design. Bad layout, bad choice of colors. For a technology website, it was pourly design, much thought wasnt put into it. the whole layout is off.

Credit for a job a colleague did most work on..

It’s human nature to take credit for work thats not ours and just go with the flow, especially in the working environment. A boss gives you credit for a job that your colleague did most of the work on, what do you do?

I would notice his gratitude but at the end of the day, or maybe the same hour, i would have a talk to my boss and let him know that i didnt deserve as much credit as he gave me. I would tell him that my colleague did most of the work and he deserve most of the credit because am sure he would feel bad (my colleague) and he might not want to work together on any other given assignments in the future.

By takig credit for his work might also ruin our working relationship. it might create a hostile environment for us to work in. So i would do the the right thing and take the fall, if i slacked off, why should i get credit? It would be morally right for me to tell my boss that my colleague did most of the work and i don’t deserve as much credit.

Persuasion (Orange for Apple)

Although i know you like oranges very much, i have an apple that i would like to trade for your orange because i really need that orange.

Well, you see the reason as to why i need your orange is because my little sister is very sad because her gold fish just died and there is nothing else she likes more than her goldfish but an orange.

So if you tade with me, it will make her very happy and you won’t regret it


While navigating around the site

I found it to be fairly easy. I Think the site could be easily navigated by an English speaker. The language is not too complex and different colors were used to make certain information stand out.

Some features that make the site easy to navigate are the larger fonts, the colors and the drop down menus. The search box also helps in navigating .There is also a huge text box on the right hand side that projects out ” WHERE DO I START” with the options ” I am” and “I want” and options are given to choose from.

I like the site has different colors along with large fonts. It is very user friendly.

It took no more than 10 seconds to find the i-765 Application for Employment Authorization and to open it up. All you have to do is hover the mouse over “WORK VISAS” and it’s there on the drop down menu list, second to last.

I would not  change anything on this  site because it is already user friendly.