Class 2 Notes: Portfolios

In the beginning of the class there were few questions about currently assigned Problem #1

Q: How detailed the description of making a sandwich has to be? To we need to describe how to open a jar?

A: We assume that the sandwich is made by human being and not a robot, so you won’t need to write the description as if you would program a robot to do something.

Q: What kind of Jelly do we need to get?

A: The one that matches the color on designer drawing.

Q: How do we describe the amount of ingredient that need to be used on a sandwich?

A: Good question.


Please refer to handouts that were given in class for complete information: Assignment #1 and Generic Debriefing Questions.

For this class you would need to create your own learning portfolio on the OpenLab website.  In there you would have to make a catalog of your work over semester. For each problem given in class you would need to create a dedicated page and write a few paragraphs about your experience of working on a problem in a group, and make some conclusions of what you have learned and how.

For each problem you would have to answer a few questions from 3 categories: description, analysis and application (see Generic Debriefing Questions for details).


In order to observe this category you would need to describe what a problem was, what was your contribution to solving it. You would also need to identify priorities, or criteria, of each problem, otherwise you would have hard time solving it.

Example. Haunted Hotel priorities:

  1. Quick load-in, strike, optimal storage solusions
  2. Cost
  3. Estetics

Then describe a plan for solving a problem. Identify if it was a good strategy; what have worked and what have not. Record it for your future reference: make noted while you working on a problem.


Compare the problem in the class to a real world situation. How would the task in the class help you solve real world problems? (in class there is no consequence in case of failure)


For this part you would need to write what did you learn, and how would you apply your knowledge in the future. From something that you’ve learned, what are you expecting to use next time working on a different problem?

Example. If you realize that you need to do better planning – don’t just state that, but think about what exactly would help you to do better. Be specific.


P.S. Check OpenLab for portfolio Help files, and The Learning Portfolio article. Also see posts from John on this topic.

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