Field Trip Announcement

Class, we will be taking a field trip to visit the Yale School of Drama on Friday, May 4th. This will be a great opportunity to see behind the scenes at a few shows, tour their shops, and talk to current YSD students and faculty about their program and opportunities to continue your studies beyond CityTech. We will go over more details as we get closer to the travel day, but there is some information I can share with you now.

The trip will take the whole day. We will be taking the 11:34am train out of Grand Central to New Haven, then spending the afternoon (2pm-6pm) on campus. For the return trip we will be taking the 6:45pm train from New Haven to Grand Central, arriving at 8:46pm. The cost of a round-trip ticket is $35.50. Please start making schedule arrangements now to be able go on this trip. If the cost of the ticket is an issue for anybody, you can see me privately to discuss it and we’ll figure out a solution.

Before the trip, you all need to complete a Title IX online training course. If you have not already done so, the training is available here: Hit ‘Next’ on that page and complete Part A. When you have finished it, take a screen shot and send it to me so I can submit it with the paperwork. If you have already completed the training for a field trip in another class, let me know.

You can learn more about YSD at their website  One of our recent graduates, Irene Iarochevitch, is currently a student there, and John Huntington and I both graduated from there, so if you have questions you can ask us as well.

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