About us

Tomas Valentin:

Hey there, my name is Tomas Valentin and I am an electrical engineering major. My role for this group is to talk about the advantages of having a vpn. I also keep track by asking a lot of questions to have better understanding and communicate with my team.

Mohi Uddin:

Hi, my name is Mohi Uddin. I am a CST major at NYC College of Technology. My role for this group is to develop a solid introduction that will lead my team to be successful with our project. I helped my group by constantly texting in our group chat, reminding them about our tasks.

Ledjon Agaraj:

Hello everyone, my name is Ledjon Agaraj. I am a Computer Systems major at New York City College of Technology also known as City Tech. My role for this group is to provide information on different types of VPN out there and construct a closing summary for our report. While working on this project I also helped keep all the group members in the same page as timely manners.

Yemisi Onayemi:

Hello everyone, my name is Yemisi Onayemi. I am a Computer Systems Technology major and a current software engineering intern at Bevy Labs. I contributed my writing an example story of how VPN is helpful in a human right setting. I also helped led the group towards orgranizing what we were supposed to do.

MD Shahid Hossain Himel:

Hello Everyone, my name is MD Shahid Hossain Himel. I’m a student of CUNY, City College of Technology and my Major is Computer System and Technology. My writing contribution was about the disadvantages of VPN and how it impacts on our communication environments.I was involve in group updates and keep everyone on track with the information they needed.

Melissa Ortiz:

Hello everyone, my name is Melissa Ortiz. I am a senior student at New York City College of Technology. My major is Electrical Engineering Technology. My writing contribution in the Final Report was the Summary/Abstract, giving a short statement explaining what the project was about and informing about the importance of using the VPN. I also talked a bit about the History of how and where the VPN originated. Our group went to great lengths to put this project together and at the same time, we tried to make the report interesting and informative. Communication and effort was the most important key to putting this project all in one piece.