Introduction Page

Data Leakage is a major problem in Cybersecurity. When you own any kind of smartphone, regardless of what kind it is (Apple, Android), there is always a risk that your information could fall into the wrong hands. Any form of personal information such as passwords, social security numbers, credit card numbers, must be kept confidential to you and you alone. If you decide to keep all of your personal data within your smartphone then you need to be extremely careful with it, otherwise someone else you don’t know will steal it from you and do whatever they want to do with it. Data Leakage can happen to anyone and it’s a very serious problem that can really disrupt someone’s sense of privacy or it could cost a company millions of dollars from just a stolen password ending up in a cybercriminal’s hands. They would be forced to spend a lot of time trying to recover the information. It’s very important to know how to protect yourself from attacks like these.

We aim to solve this problem by educating our readers on how to prevent Data Leakage from happening. Our website is full of talented people in the tech industry that are passionate about computers and dedicated to preventing more victims from having their information leaked. On our website we have an about page, Mobile Data Leaks page, Solutions page, and a page for helpful links should you want to learn more. You may look up the “About page” if you’d like to learn more about us or go straight into “Mobile Data Leaks” to learn more about the different methods used by hackers to steal your information and “Solutions” to study on how to mitigate these problems.