Educational Background

As I stated earlier I am currently enrolled at New York City Tech to become a professional web designer. I took an interest in web design back when I was in high school partly due to the website myspace. For those unaware the site allowed various forms of web editing from embedding to changing your text to altering your entire page. Personally I loved the creative aspect the site allowed and came up with a bunch of different layouts.

Entering LaGuardia Community College in 2008 I didn’t realize the potential I had with my knowledge of HTML and chose photography as my major. While I was able to learn a lot and have fun doing so I realized it simply wasn’t for me. It wasn’t until my second year in college that I finally discovered New Media Tech and switched my major and focus towards web design.

I learned about the New Media Technology program from my brother who was also attending Laguardia. As stated earlier designing web pages had always been an interest of mine, of course up to that point I was only familiar with HTML and embedding. It was interesting to know that there was something that appealed heavily to me and I wanted to learn more, so I ended up changing my major to New Media Technology. Being in the New Media Tech program I learned many things from CSS,Javascript,XHTML,video editing techniques as well as a bit of flash programming.

In 2011, I graduated with an associates degree in New Media Technology at LaGuardia Community College and decided to continue learning more I could about this field. I enrolled in Emerging Media at NYCCT and am currently working on my bachelor’s degree. My main goal is to learn more skills like coding Actionscript3 HTML5 and CSS3.

Soon I will be graduating and I feel the knowledge I have learned here will really pay off in my career as a web designer.