
Lab #1

This is a lab I completed as an intro to coding, specifically with python. The assignment was to complete the “tip calculator” tutorial on CodeAcademy. This exercises steps are detailed below by the screen shots. Each screen shot representing a different step in the tutorial when done correctly.

Tip calc tut ss 1 Tip calc tut ss 2 Tip calc tut ss 3 Tip calc tut ss 4 Tip calc tut ss 5


Lab #2

In this lab I was tasked with using my knowledge of functions to create a script that could calculate the price of a vacation.


Lab #3

In this lab I was tasked with using the turtle module to create different graphics within python. We had to employ different functions to make different outcomes. The screenshot below is of a script I wrote in order to create a graphic that will create a random line, that is a random length, at a random angle.

Turtle blast


Lab #4

For this lab we were tasked with using different conditionals and functions to create a Pig Latin translator.

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Lab #5

For this lab we were tasked to check whether or not Fermat’s last theorem was correct or not. In order to do this we needed to create a “fruitful function”. We did this by defining two different functions and  to call one the latter one in order to run the entire thing. labs

Lab #6

In this lab I was tasked with using different calls related to strings in python to display the date and time at the date line. We used different operators to manipulate the strings to print what we desired.

UntitledUntitled 2 Untitled 3 Untitled 4 Untitled 5 Untitled 6

Lab #7

In this lab we were tasked with generating a battleship game using “while” loops and several other functions.


Lab #8

In this lab we were tasked with using list and dictionaries to create a shopping list.

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Lab #9

In this lab we review some of the earlier things we learned such as, iterating dictionaries, list comprehension and more.

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