Author Archives: Tashecia Johnson

Fall 2017; Professional Nursing Practice


Tashecia Johnson, RN

Associate Degree in Nursing (June, 2016)

Baccalaureate in Nursing (December, 2017)

Aspire to utilize the skills that I learnt in nursing school;I have ten years of experience as a Patient Care Aide/Patient Care Technician. As a result of my ten years of experience as an axillary assistant, I have a better understanding of direct patient care, however, as a new nurse I have a lot to learn and accomplish. I am ecstatic to begin my career in the professional field of nursing.

Learning self-analysis:

I was a patient care technician for ten years; I was ignorant to the work that nurses did, at that time, it seemed to me that the axillary personnel were left to do all the manual labor while the nurses gave their medications and then sit and chart. So, in 2012, I decided to enroll myself in college to gain more insight in the field of nursing.

When I was accepted into the nursing program at New York City College of Technology, I quickly learnt that nursing is complex. Practicing nurses have the ability to effect change, they care, think critically, collaborate with other healthcare professional while advocating for their patients.

This journey has clearly opened my eyes. I am so fortunate to have this opportunity to be a professional nurse in this country, I count my blessings every day. During my last semester of the RN-BS program; I learnt how to be professional, I learn acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in the workplace. I can mix this new-found knowledge an incorporate them in my future practice as a registered professional nurse.


I am very meticulous; I feel incomplete leaving work undone or unfinish. Because I want to achieve ā€œpeace of mindā€ I would complete all assignments that I have accepted

I think my years of experience as a patient care technician is a strength; coupled with my education as a nurse, I can use this experience of caring for patients in my future practice.

I learnt therapeutic communication in nursing; I have continued to utilize this strength.



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