
James Levine

I wasn’t able to attend this lecture. However I was in contact with a classmate who gave me a brief run down of what Mr. Levine discussed. I then went on his website ( and did my own research. From what I gather, he followed his passion and became an amazing photographer. Due to the lost of vision he then had to to rethink & rearrange is life. He found an interest he helping other and became a career coach. He never gave up and because of that his success continues.

On his site he stated “embrace the change and recognized the value in maintaining a good mind-set and keeping my life moving forward.” That little sentence has such a motivational message and as aspired me to keep pushing forward with my passion no matter what.




It was truly an honor to visit Hearst. As a fan of O magazine, it was exciting to see there daily operations. I learned so much! From the magazines layouts and how much different company’s pay for right side of a magazine (as it gets more attention) to not putting the same type of ads back to back. To the different programs using to make everything to perfect.

We also got a quick tour of the eleventh floor.  During the tour I was able to see a 5K professional lamp, (which is used to proof the colors) up close. I saw some raw magazine imagines before and after editing.

It was a great learning experience and I would enjoy the opportunity to return again.

To to Chuck, Adam, Phylis, Steve the entire staff on the 11th floor…



Marketing Automation

During last week’s class on “Tools of the Trade”, students were asked to write a blog on Project Management System. For my blog, I was assigned to write about Marketing Automation. Before last week I never heard of Marketing automaton so I’m excited to learn what it intakes.

Marketing automation refers to software used in marketing departments and organizations to more effectively market on multiple channels. Channels include but not limited to email, social media, websites, etc. Marketing Automation also automate repetitive tasks. Task are processed, interpreted, excited & stored by the software. It’s campaign marketing.

There are serval different companies that provide this software such as HubSpot, Marketo, Pardot to name a few. However, Infusinosoft is leading the market with 35,000 customers as per Companies enjoy this software because it saves them a lot of time & it eliminates most human errors. Designers may apply this to their job function by creating marketing campaigns for marketing automation to use to plan, coordinate, manage.

In summary always do your research before selecting a company. Choose one that best meets your company’s needs.

Here’s a chart I found online that sums up marketing automation.


Zach Bokuniewicz

During class we had a virtual guest speak named, Zach Bokuniewicz. He is an Award-Winning Graphic Designer from NY.  The one thing Zach Bokuniewicz said that I’ve started to apply to myself is “Brand Yourself.” I learned that, that is one of the most important aspects of any business. Being consistent is key to effective branding. Start with a logo. Your website, packaging, portfolio and promotional materials, all of which should match & flow with your logo to communicate your brand. Mr Bokuniewicz talked about how branding could help you get connecting to the right people and build your brand. Here’s his logo. Simple yet bold.