Internship Blog

rosemary collington

565 Baltic St

Brooklyn, NY 11217


teri ash

Internship Blog


 After weeks of searching I was able to find an internship that fits into my weekly scheduled. The House of the Lord Church founded Alonzo A. Daughtry Memorial Day Care Center in 1970’s. In hopes to answer the response to the community resident’s requests. The Day Care is a staple to the Downtown Brooklyn area.  I was very excited about interning here, as I aspire to open my own daycare one day.

I was interviewed by the Daycare’s director. Just like a job interview I was asked a variety of questions & also showed some sample work. A week or so later I was hired as an intern. My responsibility includes creating a logo and all promotional items. 

The first three weeks of my internship, I was focused on creating a logo & business cards that will represent the mission of the company as well as appeal to adults & children. During our meeting week four of my internship, we agreed this will be the logo. Its yet to be decide on which business card. It’s playful enough to draw the attention of children while keeping the cultural aspect that board of directors adores.



While at the meeting, we discussed different marketing ideas. The next couple of weeks, I research various different daycare centers. I sketch various different flyers. Week eight of my internship, this promotional flyer was approved. It was also decided that gorilla marketing will be the best approach for new clients.

During week nine we discussed how to raise funds for new equipment, books, etc… It was agreed a fundraiser will best. Week eleven this flyer was approved. Along with a thank you card that will be emailed to all who participated.

The next three weeks were spent reviewing & editing all material for final submission. This internship allowed me to see how a successful Day Care center are operated from various different departments. It was an excellent learning experience.