
My name is Tanner Jules Gordon-Smith, and I am currently a college student pursuing a bachelorette degree in Business and Technology of Fashion. Over the years as I have gained knowledge about the fashion industry, and I have developed a range of unique skills that I believe will serve me well in my future career. I have honed many different skills such as design, illustration/sketching, trend forecasting, marketing strategies, and several more through a variety of classes and projects, and I am confident in my ability to create unique and compelling fashion designs. As someone who is particularly interested in sustainable fashion, I hope to one day push the boundaries of the ways in which fashion can be both beautiful and environmentally responsible. I am a creative and innovative thinker, with a passion for problem-solving and a willingness to take risks in order to achieve my goals. I am dedicated to continuously push my education forward in order to stay current with the latest developments in my field and ensure that I am equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel.