Author Archives: Tia W.

Gingival Hyperplasia

The Most interesting clinical case I came across, has to be a 27 year old male patient with an unremarkable health history.  The patient presented with generalized gingival hyperplasia and no apparent cause.  To manage his case, (which was a … Continue reading

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CITI IRB Certification

As part of our Oral Pathology class, we had to become CITI IRB certified.  This came in handy because as part of the research with Prof. Davide on live subjects we needed to have this certification.  This will be beneficial … Continue reading

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DEN 2300 & 2400

As part of our coursework for DEN 2300 & 2400 we had a couple of assignments to do that would help us in the future.  The first assignment was completing a CE course from the Colgate Oral Health Network.  The … Continue reading

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Pharmacology-Gingko Biloba

Shaquantia Wyche DEN 2315-Pharmocology December 14, 2015 Ginkgo Biloba Product Name- Ginkgo Biloba, Ginkgo, Japanese Silver Apricot, Kew Tree, Maidenhair Tree, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf, Ginkgo Extract, Ginkgo Folium, Ginkgo Leaf Extract, Ginkgo Seed, Bai Guo Ye, Baiguo, Pei Go Su … Continue reading

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Senior Biology Paper: Periodontal Disease & Diabetes

Shaquantia Wyche Bio 490 Dr. Cervino The Links between Periodontal Disease and Diabetes and How is the Healing Time of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Effected By its Presence?   Abstract Periodontal conditions such as gingivitis and periodontitis by means of … Continue reading

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Anesthesia Practice

At the beginning of DEN 2400, we had a great opportunity to learn how to administer anesthesia via different types of injections.  For our license we had to administer 15 injections and we had to receive injections from our partners.

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Table Clinic

In DEN 1200, we had a table clinic project and my groups topic was Xylitol and its benefits.  Here is our pamphlet that we shared with the school during the Heath Fair.

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Public Health

During our senior year, one of our 2 lecture courses was Public Health.  I had a great time in this class because we had the ability to get out of our classroom and actually give back to the community. Within … Continue reading

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Advisory Board 2012

In 2012 I had the opportunity to be on the advisory board of the Dental Assisting program at Mandl College of Allied Health in NYC, New York.  It was an honor because this was the very school I graduated from. … Continue reading

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This ePortfolio is supposed to be a composite of achievements, coursework, career related info, and all things Dental Hygiene.  I’m going to use this as a way to celebrate my 2 years of clinical work, and to brag about my … Continue reading

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