During my schooling at New York City College of Technology,  I have attended clinical courses, writing intensive classes, and lecture.  I acquired my clinical skills and fundamental nursing knowledge during my associates nursing program.  As for my bachelors, I learned more about the different fields of nursing and leadership.

While I was in the associates nursing program, I was exposed to various hospital settings, community service opportunities and nursing lecture.  I am glad that I had these clinicals because I was able to acquire basic clinical skills and decide which areas of nursing I would be interested in.  I found the community service opportunities to be intriguing and rewarding.  Some of the activities I remember were educating middle school students about the hazards of smoking and teaching elementary students fire safety.  I enjoy educating the community.  I believe that nurses should be active members of their community.

The bachelor’s program offered me leadership skills and more in depth knowledge in such fields as nursing research, community nursing and case management.  I also learned about the professional issues affecting nursing today.  It is important to stay current in professional issues because they can shape nursing practice.  Nursing research showed me how I could access and analysis  current research in nursing as well as practice evidence based nursing care.  Whereas, community nursing showed me the different setting that nurses work in the community.  Almost 50 present of nurses work in the community,  I am a community nurse as well.   Community nursing is a growing field.  I learned how to manage the cost of patient care, while improving the quality of care in case management.

New York City College of Technology has prepared me well for today’s nursing job market.  Nurses today must provide evidence based  care, have sufficient clinical and leadership skills as well as know the current issues that are affecting nursing.