
Suzzette Duran

OBJECTIVE: To secure full-time employment while pursing my education and career in human services and building experience in the mental health field.

EDUCATION:                                                                                                                             New York City College of Technology,   Brooklyn, NY                                                Major: Baccalaureate Human Services, 9/2010 – Present

High School of Art and Design, New York, NY                                                             Major: Fashion Illustration and Design , 9/1998 – 6/2002

EXPERIENCE:                                                                                                                        Federation of Organizations/Brooklyn Adult Care Center                                   Brooklyn, NY                                                                                                                               12/06-Present                                                                                                            Supportive Case Manager/OMH Safety Trainer                                                Developing and updating bi-annual Service Plans                                                            Completing and submitting HRA 2010E applications                                                     Assisting mentally ill patients to advocate for themselves                                                       Linking patients to outside services including housing, detox and rehabilitation                                                                                                                                       Able to use AWARDS/Foothold program to complete Progress notes                                                                                                                                              OMH Adult Home and community case management Safety Trainer                                                                                                                                            Visit clients in the community                                                                                                 Facilitate groups/outings/in-house socials  

New York Psychotherapy & Counseling Center                                                                                                                                                                                                               Brooklyn, NY                                                                                                                                     7/04-1/06                                                                                                           Administrative  Assistant/Therapy Aide                                                                Secretarial duties                                                                                                            Spreadsheets on Microsoft Excel                                                                                                   Developing and facilitating recreational activities                                                                   Facilitate groups                                                                                                                     Assistant to the Administrator

SKILLS:                                                                                                                                                                           Bilingual- English and Spanish                                                                                              Participated in the annual Creedmoor Housing forum, ‘08                                                     Trained in developing Wellness Recovery Action Plan recipients, CUCS                                                                                                                                          Participated in Cultural Sensitivity training                                                                              Trained in CPR                                                                                                                          Hunter College Case Management Certified ‘06                                                                   Attended annual Case Management Coalition in Albany (’07-’08)                                      Computer literate-Microsoft Office, CAIRS, Foothold AWARDS

REFERENCES:                                                                                                                   AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST

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