
A research game is one of the many things we believe that can help students and others find what they are looking for. Leap Frog and ClueFinders are some educational and research games that many of us have played before. Even if you have not, you can pretty much understand how research games and educational games work. They give the player the ability to solve problems based on their grade level. This helps them understand and become knowledgeable about subjects that they know and have a hard time to understand. This is the same as when someone is searching for sources for papers and projects.

By creating a research game, students, professors and other people looking for sources would be able to do it easier. Our game is not based off of Leap Frog or ClueFinders, but another famous video game that was created in 1985, Super Mario Bros. The game play back in the 80’s was not as advanced as it is today, but the concept of the game is what we use for our research game. We call the game, Super Research Man!

Instead of a small plumber looking man, with a red cap and mustache, we have something similar to that as a small man, wearing a lab coat, with a mustache. The game play is very similar in our research game.

The process we used to implement our presentation is by creating images of the game. We use screen caps of the original Super Mario bros. Game and change the screen caps to our game. Goombas and Koopas to social networking websites and Mario as Super Research Man. By showing our classmates the changers they can see the difference between the two games. Not only that, but instead of coins, they would become online sources that can be used by Super Research Man for the main goal, a complete Research Paper. We also changed a lot of the game so that it can be related to finding research.

We researched many different educational games that we have either played or known about. Some included the Leap Frog video game, but there were not much games that currently are produced today that look like research games for us. So, we decided on Super Mario Bros. because of how popular and known it is. Granted, it is not an educational video game, but it is what we are looking for as something that would interest people and keep them entertained. Once we were done looking for the basic concept of our research game, we then searched for information on what many people go on when they turn on the computer. No surprise that Facebook was at the top of the list. Once we looked down the list, we chose some of the many known social networking websites to be our protagonist in the research game. Then finally, we searched for which of the three leading game systems was the most popular and we found it to be Xbox 360. We used it as the main protagonist.

The presentation would be done on a power point. The reason we chose a power point is because it is easy to put all our information about the game on it. It also helps that it allows us to put music on it as well. It will allow us to put some of the important points of our proposal into the power point presentation.

As we finalize our work, we have to look at everything to make sure it is spelled correctly or if all the images and other media is correctly working on the website and even the power point presentation. If any of the media is not working, we have to make sure they do, otherwise our entire project would not be efficient for our presentation. We have to make sure that WordPress allows us to post all these photos we have for the game. If they do not work, then no one would be able to see it and that is what I suggest, recommend and make sure everyone is cautious about whether their digital media works on WordPress. However, WordPress is much easier to use than creating a web page because you can immediately create blog posts for your website and a layout is already done for you. If you do not know how to use the program, then your site would not work.

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