
Our topic is based upon the distractions that come when trying to study. Others make studying sound so easy when it is not them in that predicament. Countless individuals find ways to distract themselves when it comes to studying not being conscious of doing it. It may come to them as a surprise to that individual after telling them that is what’s happening. No matter what that person will not admit that they get distracted when it comes to it. So we are just mentioning the hardship of it all just to clarify the problematic situation that a student can be in when it comes to studying.

Our sources are consisted of the same sites that can be off distraction to someone who easily gets distracted. Having the internet is one of the biggest disadvantages that an individual trying to study can have at their arsenals. Why do I say that you say? Well it is pretty easy to explain. One of the sources we used was YouTube and the reason why we used it is because countless of video are available to you. If you would like to watch something to distract you, YouTube is the way to go. There are others that are way more distractive then others such as Facebook, twitter. The reason why some are more than others is because they are live social network meaning; the user can contact others via the internet without having to interact with the person face to face. Having these tools just makes everything ten times harder. Since it was created it was always considered as a distraction to whomever, and what may I be talking about you ask? I am talking about Television. It has been around for ages and has been used for the same thing since. A way to take your mind away from other things so that you maybe can calm down or however you use it for. For someone who tries to study, it feels as if the television seems to be always calling your name out just to watch it. Unfortunately the distraction does not stop here. As technology advances so does the distraction meter also goes up.  In this day of age what end to be the biggest distraction of all is internet gaming. In our opinion it is the biggest because it pretty much consists of an all in one. Playing a game online gives you the opportunity to interact with others and also stay connected with their social network. It does not stop there, news and any other miscellaneous entertainments is accessible to the player. The name of these distractions is XBOXLIVE and PLAYSTATION NETWORK. They are the leading distractions to a person trying to focus on doing something important. So of all our sources the last two were the biggest distraction of all because of the things that they are integrated with that becomes the biggest problem for any users.

We proposed to create game to better catch the attentions of the players. It basically consists of a character trying to reach its goal without being distracted by the bad characters that are the social sites and other means of distraction that we can possibly find for a person trying to study. Each level that he enters; there is some sort of objective that he has to obtain which are coin like things. By acquiring them brings him closer to completing per say his research paper on time and like I mentioned before without falling in the devious trapped planed by the evil doers to stop him. When the player plays that game and achieve through the levels, they will understand the message in the game. To acquirer that message in the game they have to finish it and beat the entire game of course which is the only way for them to win.

The research we have conducted showed us that numerous amounts of people have that problem of focusing on something that they have to complete, but yet procrastinate on it just because they got distracted by the things they have access to. Which prove that it is getting harder every day.

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