

Spring semester begins January 27th

With the start of the semester the lab will be used more heavily. This means if you want to work in the lab, please check the schedule to make certain there are no time conflicts. Usually it is no problem for multiple groups to be working at once but if you have special needs (the lights need to be out for working with projections),will have an especially large number of people in the lab (tours, classes, etc), or your work might disrupt other uses (running the CNC mill on materials that might out gas or full volume tests of spatialization systems) please consult the schedule and contact the Managing Director ( to schedule your work accordingly. We want the maximum amount of people to get the maximum amount of work done, so your help in scheduling the laboratory efficiently is greatly appreciated.

StudioBlue is now on OpenLab

We are in the process of migrating the StudioBlue web presence to OpenLab.  We will still make use of other online services (github, various google services, trello, etc) but from now on this site will  the central repository of information about our projects and research. All researchers are encouraged to contact Damon Loren Baker for invites, passwords,etc.