Category Archives: Suspense Story

Suspense Story: Machine. Time

“Machine” says Barry. He has a blank face as he’s spaced out looking off into a corner of the lab. He finds himself looking down at his watch. It reads 8:00. He breaks his stare to see his colleague, Francisco, enter through the doors. He’s shouting at Barry, but Barry is too confused to give him his attention and Barry looks down at his watch. Once Francisco gets in front of him, he snaps his fingers in front of his face. Barry finally shifts his focus to Francisco. Francisco asks him if he’s ready to show the machine to Prof. Zolomon. They get into an argument because Barry doesn’t think the machine is ready to perform. Francisco decides to let Barry run some test.

After waiting for quite a while, Prof. Zolomon walks into the room irritated. Barry shifts his eyes to Professor Zolomon then to his watch. Professor Zolomon approaches Francisco and asks him what is the delay. They get into an argument as Francisco explains that Barry is running some last minute test. Francisco looks at the clock on the wall and proposes to meet Barry.

They both approach Barry and the machine. Barry is hooking up the machine to some V9 batteries and inputs the information into the machine. Prof. Zolomon questions what Barry is doing and provokes him to move faster. Barry assures him the machine is ready as he pulls the lever of the machine. To Barry’s surprise nothing happens. He pulls the lever again and still there is no reaction. Frustrated Prof. Zolomon looks at the clock. He notices the clock hasn’t moved since he’s entered. Francisco tries to get his attention but Zolomon seems uninterested. As he heads to the door, Francisco chases after him. Meanwhile Barry is making some adjustments. He’s talking to himself, hoping to get it to work. The machine suddenly lights up and Barry screams with excitement. As he pulls the lever he screams “The time.”