Category Archives: A Day in the Park

“A Day in the Park”

After hitting the snooze button twice, William once again silences his phone as he dozes off. He abruptly awakes from the sound of his phone once again minutes later. He puts the phone to his ear and says hello only to receive no response. Fully awake now, he tosses his phone and gets out of bed to get ready for the day. Noticing the time, he rushes out the door.

William runs to the train station hoping not to miss his train. He climbs up the long flight of stairs and rushes to the turnstiles. He swipes his metro card but his card could not be read. Hearing the train arriving at the station he rapidly continues to swipe his card over again. Finally, the turnstile reads his card and William pushes through rushing up the stairs to the platform. Barely making it through the closing doors of the train, William takes a second to catch his breath. Once on board the train he pulls out the homework he was supposed to have done for today and begins to work on it. The train finally reaches his stop and he makes a beeline for his school.
As soon as he enters the doors to his school, he shows his ID. He presses the button for the elevator. Once it gets to his floor, he jumps off and makes his way to the room. Noticing the door closed with the lights off, he checks his phone for the time. His screen reads: 10:43, one missed call from John and one voice-mail message.