Design adds value faster than it adds costs.
Heat sink Utilizing a Phase Change Material heatsinks for electronic component cooling. A phase change heatsink is one of the uses of PCMs that demands a fast response time for thermal energy storage and release. Using a layer of metal foam in the heatsink actually boosts heat transfer even more. The results show that increasing the thickness of the metal foam layer always enhances the rate of heat transmission.

Fan System The power consumption will be below 280 Watts while maintaining performance similar to our competitors. To do this, a fan system must be fitted to force sufficient air into the graphics card. As a result, the system will stay as cooled and power-efficient as possible.

advantages of this cooling system are the low cost, the availability of air, and the simplicity of construction, resulting in lower costs. A certain amount of heat is dispersed from the heat source by a heat sink acting as a heat exchanger, which is a critical technique in air-cooling systems.