Social Media Sources

Social Media

         The social media I have chosen for this assignment is Facebook. I believe that Facebook will serve as the best platform for my paper for many different reasons. First of all, I feel that Facebook is used by millions of user each day an dis the best of to create awareness. I have been using Facebook for the past 5 years therefore; I am very familiar with it. My secondary reason for choosing Facebook as a platform for my paper is the fact that I am not very familiar with other social medias such as: Instagram or Twitter.

Through this paper and the questions or the statement I will be posting on Facebook, I want to target a variety of audience. My intended audience is men and women of races and backgrounds and through my questions or statements I not only want to bring awareness but I want to be able to raise some questions I their heads as well. I will measure the results of my posts through how many likes I get on the specific post and how many people actually comment under there or in other words have something to say in regards to my postings. Snapshots of my social media are attached in my final presentation.



































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