Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Source # 1

            Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick? is a four hour documentary series directed by Adelman, L. and produced by California Newsreel in 2008. Episode 2: When the Bough Breaks in this documentary focuses on the phenomenon that African American women are most likely to give birth to premature or low birth weight babies than white women regardless of their education and income levels. The main points that support this argument is that this can be due to racial inequalities African women face on daily basis and how this chronic stress can affect their off springs.

This source will be used as one of the primary sources in my paper because this can be directly related to my topic, medical experimentation among African American women. Everyone knows and talks about the fact that African American tend to give birth to unhealthy children such as: premature or low birth weight children and therefore, they should be sterilized or have only limited number of children. Yet no one focuses on why that is the way it is and this documentary analyzes the factors that contribute towards this phenomenon.

Source # 2

The Pill is a documentary film directed by Gazit, C, & Steward, D and published by the Steward/Gazit Productions, Inc. in 2008. This documentary film talks about how the contraceptive pill was invented in the 60s. It also focuses on how it was uses against the African American women with out their consent. It was being prescribed to the by their doctors as Aspirin or other mild painkillers.

This source will be used as one of the primary sources in my paper because this can be directly related to my topic, medical experimentation among African American women. Medical Experimentation was a conspiracy by the government to hold the blacks back and keep them from growing and becoming a majority rather than a minority. This documentary shows how the pill was being used sometimes without their consent and often times under the Eugenics umbrella.

Source # 3

Payments for Victims of Eugenics Are Shelved is an article written by Kim Severson and published in the New York Times in 2012. This article discusses a woman who was a victim of Eugenic. Elaine Riddick is a 56-year-old black woman, who was sterilized when she was 14, in Winfall, NC in 1967. She was raped by a neighbor, which resulted in her pregnancy. She was involuntary sterilized after giving birth. The officials in North Carolina had forced her illiterate grand mother to sign the consent by saying to her that if she didn’t sign the consent, her welfare will be cutoff. Later in 2012 the state of North Carolina refused to compensate Elaine Riddick and labeled her as “feebleminded” and potentially promiscuous.

This source will be used as one of the secondary sources in my paper because this can be directly related to my topic, medical experimentation among African American women. Medical Experimentation was a conspiracy by the government, which was inspired by the Eugenics movement in the United States.

Source # 4

Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present is a book written by Harriet A. Washington. This book discusses the history of medical experimentation on Black Americans from the slavery era to the present times. The author discusses the relationship between white physicians and black patients. Her book is very well written with many heart breaking stories of unjust done to these people in form of medical treatment or medical advancement.

This book will be used as one of my primary source. Washington’s book directly relates to my thesis because it discusses the dark history of medical experimentation done on African Americans.

Source # 5

Project Prevention is a non-profit organization that was establish in 1997 by Barbara Harris. It was then know as Children Requiring a Caring Kommunity or CRACK. It was originally based in California but now had its head office in North Carolina. Project Prevention offers drug Addicts up to $300 in cash to give up their fertility and continue with their drug addiction.

This organization will be used as a secondary source to support my thesis. I choose to use Project Planning to support the fact that unjust is still exist, it just openly operated under politically correct names and methods and this organization is a great example for such a thing.



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